gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Farmer loses US$30 000 to robbers – The Zimbabwe Mail

Farmer loses US$30 000 to robbers

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FOUR armed robbers broke into a farmer’s house at a plot in Umguza on the outskirts of Bulawayo and took more than US$30 000 and cellphones before they fled in his Toyota Hilux vehicle.

The robbers were armed with a pistol, knife and an iron bar. They pounced at the farmer’s plot shortly after 2am yesterday and went straight to a gardener’s cottage.

“They tied the gardener’s hands with a shoelace and covered his mouth with tape, and one of the robbers assaulted him with an iron bar. The other guy stabbed him with an Okapi knife in the left hand. They asked where the farmer sleeps and keeps his money,” said a source close to the case.

After that they force marched the gardener to the other cottage where the other gardener resides. Upon arrival they tied the gardener’s hands with a cello tape, one of the robbers remained guarding them while the other robbers went to the farmer’s house.

The source revealed that they got into the house through an unlocked kitchen door and when the owner of the house spotted them walking along the passage he sprinted back into his bedroom and locked himself inside.

“They broke down the door and went into the room. One of the robbers pointed a pistol at him and threatened to kill him. Fearing for his life he pointed them to a storeroom where they took a safe containing US$18000-00 and R20 000,” said a source.

They demanded more cash.

“They told him straight to his face that they knew he had another safe where he had stashed his money. He pointed to another safe where they took 1500 Pounds and US $2000. After that the farmer opened the gun cabinet and surrendered US$5 000 and a revolver. After that they went to the living room and took two cellphones before they fled in his Toyota Hilux Twin cab,” said a source.

The farmer reported the matter at Hillside police station. The four robbers have not yet been arrested.

Source: B-Metro