gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); DeMbare legend Chirambadare acquitted on child molestation charges – The Zimbabwe Mail

DeMbare legend Chirambadare acquitted on child molestation charges

Stanley Chirambadare (bald headed) arriving at the Harare Magistrates Court for his sodomy trial
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HARARE – A court on Monday acquitted Dynamos Football Club legend Itai Stanley Chirambadare on charges of molesting a 13-year-old boy at his soccer academy in Mufakose, Harare.

Magistrate Themba Kuwanda ruled that state’s evidence was contradictory, inconsistent and too convoluted to believe.

Chirambadare, 57, was acquitted of aggravated indecent assault after a full trial during which several witnesses testified.

Prosecutors had alleged that the former Dynamos defender-turned-coach sexually abused the teenage boy sometime in March last year after the lad went to his house to do some housekeeping chores.

The boy used to help out at Chirambadare’s house together with a friend and get some sweets in return, the court heard.

Prosecutors said the abuse started when the boy went alone. Chirambadare, it was alleged, sodomized him and threatened to kill him if he told anyone.

Chirambadare, the court was told, went on to abuse the boy on several occasions until he developed piles, or bowel inflammations.

The boy, it was alleged, finally told his uncle who helped him to file a police report.