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Court outline details on why Neville Mutsvangwa lost bail application

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HARARE – Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi has denied bail to suspected illegal foreign currency dealers Neville Mutsvangwa, Simbarashe Tichingana, and Ellis Majachani.

The trio faces charges under various acts, including contraventions of the Exchange Control Act, the Bank Use Promotion and Suppression of Money Laundering Act, and the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act.

Mutsvangwa, additionally, faces allegations of violating the Postal and Telecommunications Act for allegedly using Starlink equipment unlawfully.

The defendants will remain in custody until their next court appearance on May 30 at the Harare Magistrates Court.

Mangosi criticized the state’s lack of evidence to support assertions of potential witness interference. He emphasized that mere bold assertions were insufficient and noted that evidence presented by the investigating officer indicated no interference with witnesses.

However, Mangosi considered other grounds put forth by the prosecution, particularly the risk of flight.

He cited evidence of financial transactions involving the accused and noted Neville’s familial connections and potential means to sustain himself outside the country as reasons for denying bail.

Neville Mutsvangwa, son of ZANU PF spokesperson Chris Mutsvangwa and Women’s Affairs Minister Monica Mutsvangwa, was apprehended last Wednesday after detectives entered his residence following his refusal to allow them in.

Tichingana was arrested under the guise of a concerned neighbor visiting Neville’s home, while Majachani was apprehended at Mumba Money, a company allegedly owned by Neville.

The prosecution is led by Thomas Chanakira and Ruvimbo Matyatya, while the defendants are represented by lawyers Josephine Sande Chimombe and Mable Tarugarira, who intend to appeal the bail denial at the High Court.