gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); CIO operative points gun at his superior – The Zimbabwe Mail

CIO operative points gun at his superior

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A BULAWAYO-based member of the Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) has been arrested for allegedly pointing an AK47 assault rifle at his boss and threatening to shoot him following an argument over the firearm.

Earnest Muleya (38), who is assigned to the President’s Office security branch and stationed at Magnet House in Bulawayo, was deployed to guard CIO deputy director-general, Dr Gatsha Mazithulela’s property, a plot in Norwood, Umguza District, when he allegedly committed the crime.

According to the State, Dr Mazithulela demanded the gun from Muleya whom he suspected to have been drunk and thereby unable to properly handle the firearm.

However, instead of handing over the gun to his superior, Muleya allegedly cocked it and pointed it at Dr Mazithulela, who managed to escape unhurt.

Dr Mazithulela hid behind his car and escaped into the darkness before finding his way into the house. He later returned to the scene with backup from Magnet House.

Muleya appeared before Bulawayo magistrate Mr Shepherd Mjanja facing charges of pointing a firearm as defined in Section 27(B) of the Firearms Act. He was remanded in custody to today for bail application.

It is the State’s case as led by Mr Terrence Chakabuda that on November 28 around 7PM, the complainant, Dr Mazithulela, was about to leave his home when he saw the accused person.

“The complainant was about to leave his home when he spotted the accused person walking into the yard after abandoning his usual point of guard,” he said.

The court heard that Dr Mazithulela got suspicious when he noticed that accused person was staggering.

“The complainant suspected that the accused person could have been drunk and thus incapable of being in possession of the firearm. He then demanded the gun, an AK 47 assault rifle that Muleya was in possession of,” said Mr Chakabuda.

Instead of surrendering the rifle, Muleya allegedly cocked the gun and pointed it at Dr Mazithulela, threatening to shoot him.

Dr Mazithulela hid behind his car and managed to escape into his house and sought help from the President’s Office at Magnet House.

Security details from the Magnet House came and disarmed Muleya before they arrested him. – Chronicle