gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); ‘Catch me if you can’ – Obert Mpofu goads ZACC – The Zimbabwe Mail

‘Catch me if you can’ – Obert Mpofu goads ZACC

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Zanu-PF secretary for administration Obert Mpofu on Monday denied internet rumours that he had been arrested by the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission, but said he was “waiting for them” if they had an intention to arrest him.

The Matabeleland North Senator was named by the Zanu-PF Youth League on a list of officials accused of corruption earlier this month. The corrupt activities were allegedly committed during his time as mines minister between 2009 and 2013.

But Mpofu, who denies any wrong-doing, accuses his critics of being “desperate” to implicate him in corruption.

“I’ve not been arrested, in fact I’ve never spoken to anyone from ZACC in my life and they haven’t told me they’re arresting me,” Mpofu told ZimLive by phone.

“If they’re on their way to arrest me, then I’m waiting for them. I’ve never stolen from anyone and suggestions that I’m corrupt are nonsense; it’s rubbish.

“Some desperate people are trying to implicate me in these silly things. I’ve nothing to hide from anyone. I’m concentrating on my life and right now I’m in my office doing party work. All those who believe that I stole from anyone please bring the evidence.”

Tourism Minister Prisca Mupfumira, who was named on the Zanu-PF Youth League corruption list, was arrested by ZACC last Thursday and charged with corruption involving US$95 million from the state pension fund, NSSA.

Mupfumira is the first senior government official to be interrogated by the commission, which was appointed by President Emmerson Mnangagwa last week after he promised tough action against graft.

The prosecution laid out charges ranging from alleged abuse of NSSA money to finance Mupfumira’s political campaigning to directing investments of up to US$62 million into a bank against the advice of the pension fund’s risk committee.

Mupfumira is also accused of leaning on the pension fund to enter into property deals with the same bank worth US$15.7 million.

The charges arose from Mupfumira’s tenure as labour minister between 2014 and 2018, when she oversaw the state pension fund.

Source – ZimLive