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Calls for state security on presidential candidates

Professor Lovemore Madhuku
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NCA presidential candidate and constitutional law expert, Professor Lovemore Madhuku says there is need for the state to provide security for all presidential candidates in the 2018 harmonised elections following yesterday’s blast at a Zanu PF rally at White City Stadium in Bulawayo.

While President Emmerson Mnangagwa escaped unhurt, the incident left 49 people injured among them Vice President Kembo Mohadi; Zanu PF National Chairperson Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri; Vice President Constantino Chiwenga’s wife Mrs Mary Chiwenga; Zanu PF Secretary for Women Affairs Mabel Chinomona; Zanu PF National Political Commissar Engelbert Rugeje and three ZBC staffers who were covering the event.

In an interview with the State media, Professor Madhuku described the incident as an unacceptable act of terrorism, meant to discredit the July 30 harmonised elections.

He said in the event of the death of any presidential candidate, elections are cancelled and the nomination court sits again, hence the need to provide security to all candidates.

“Every political party wants free, fair and peaceful elections but there might be some elements who might want something else. Yes I would say this attempt was designed to undermine peaceful elections, and one lesson from the incident is the need for security for all candidates. The state has an obligation to provide security political players, especially presidential candidates,” he said.

There are 23 presidential candidates vying for the highest office of the land in next month’s polls.

Professor Madhuku added that there is need to protect the good image of the country as a peaceful destination for both tourists and investors.