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Businessman pulls out gun on love rival

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A Bulawayo businessman pulled out a gun at a restaurant and threatened to shoot a local entrepreneur that he accused of calling his girlfriend.

The fracas lasted for about 15 minutes.

According to a source who witnessed the drama, Archford Zhanje (35), the director of Slentique Investments, called his alleged love rival, Michael Ndebele, who owns Daily Harvest Milling Company, asking to meet him.

“Ndebele told him he was at a food outlet in the city centre. A fuming Zhanje arrived with his girlfriend (Charleen Muza) in tow and unleashed insults at Ndebele and accused him of calling his girlfriend” said a source close to Zhanje.

Zhanje summoned Ndebele to his car.

“He questioned Ndebele about why he was in the habit of communicating with his girlfriend. Ndebele denied ever doing that,” said the source.

The denial seems to have enraged Zhanje who then tried to assault Ndebele. Ndebele was saved by another man who stepped in and restrained Zhanje.

Zhanje then went to his car and came back armed with a pistol. Brave men, who had gathered to watch the ugly scene, intervened and stopped him from shooting Ndebele.

Zhanje withdrew, but not before shooting a few choice words at the men who stopped him.

With the gun no longer a weapon of choice, Zhanje got into his car and tried to run over Ndebele, but alert onlookers shielded Ndebele and escorted him to his car. He got in and drove away.

After that Zhanje and his girlfriend drove off at high speed.

He was later arrested at a local hotel.

Contacted for a comment Zhanje, begged this reporter to drop the story.

“Please don’t write the story. Please, I beg. Let me talk to your boss,” he begged.

Muza said: “Who told you about that, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

Efforts to get a comment from Ndebele were fruitless as his mobile number was not reachable.

Efforts to get a comment from Bulawayo police spokerson Inspector Abednico Ncube were fruitless as his mobile number went straight to voice mail.
