gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Biti convicted of assault – The Zimbabwe Mail

Biti convicted of assault

(FILES) In this file photo taken on June 01, 2018 MDC Alliance Spokesperson Tendai Biti speaks during a press conference during which he announced that Zimbabwe's opposition parties are calling for electoral reforms ahead of the July 30 general elections and that there will be street demonstrations in the capital Harare on June 5. Senior Zimbabwean opposition figure Tendai Biti was arrested as he tried to flee to neighbouring Zambia to seek asylum, his lawyer said on August 8, 2018. Biti allegedly faces charges for inciting violence over the disputed result of last week's elections. / AFP PHOTO / Jekesai NJIKIZANA
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Harare Magistrate, Mrs Vongai Guwuriro, has convicted Tendai Biti after she found him guilty of assaulting businesswoman and investor Mrs Tatiana Aleshina at the Harare Magistrates Court sometime in 2020.

The judgement came after close to four years of trial. In her ruling, the magistrate said the witnesses corroborated with each other in material facts which strengthened the complainant’s evidence.

Mrs Guwuriro said it is not in dispute that the words were uttered on the day in question.

She said the incident happened a long time ago and the witnesses might not remember the exact words as they were said by Biti.

“The accused cannot talk of perpetrators of assault who are not before the court:” she ruled.

The Magistrate went on to say that a law that is in existence must be complied with.

“The accused’s strategy of raising constitutional issues on piecemeal has not paid him:” she said.

Biti during trial denied ever assaulting the complainant.

Source – The Herald