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Beitbridge herd boy stabbed over grazing lands

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BEITBRIDDGE-Regional Magistrate lnnocent Bepura has remanded a Beitbridge man in custody to June 26, 2023, for stabbing a herd boy over a grazing land dispute.

Joseph Gumani Mbedzi (18), of Gumane area, Msane in Beitbridge, stabbed Kelvin Magumbudze (16) once below the left ear and once in the chest. The incident happened on Sunday around 5 pm.

Mbedzi was asked not to plead when he appeared in court.

Circumstances are that on the day, the two met around 5 pm on Kelvin’s employer’s farm, and he quizzed Mbedzi on why he was looking for his goats in the fields.

The two got into an argument. Mbedzi stabbed Kelvin with a knife below the ear and in the chest. The Police arrest Mbedzi after a report.

Source: Masvingo Mirror