gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Aspiring MP threatens family with death – The Zimbabwe Mail

Aspiring MP threatens family with death

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AN aspiring MDC-T legislator for Makoni South allegedly threatened to kill a Zanu-PF Makoni South assistant co-ordinator and his family once he is voted into Parliament next year.

Chamunorwa Muzvidzwa (37) of Number NC53, Nyazura Township, appeared in court last week for violating Section 186 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, Chapter 9.23 which makes it criminal for one to make threats to commit murder.

Muzvidzwa pleaded not guilty when he appeared before Rusape provincial magistrate, Mr Shane Kubonera, telling that court that he never threatened to kill Kenneth Chaparapata who is his relative through marriage.

State prosecutor, Mr Tafara Chawatama, told the court that Muzvidzwa who runs Pachamu Bottle Store was heard saying once he get elected, he would kill Chaparapata and his family.

“On May 28 at around 11am, and at Rukweza Business Centre, behind Hands Bottle Store, Chamunorwa Muzvidzwa, was heard by Mazvita Mutizwa saying: “If I win the oncoming elections as MDC-T Member of Parliament, I am going to kill Kenneth Chaparapata, his wife and children.

“Mutizwa rushed to Chaparapata’s workplace at Pride Butchery in Nyazura and informed him about the threats. Charaparata made a police report at Nyazura Police Station leading to Muzvidzwa’s arrest,” said Mr Chawatama.

Mr Kubonera adjourned the matter to August 1 for continuation of trial. – Manica Post