gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Armed robbers strike Lobel’s Bakery and get away with 500 loaves – The Zimbabwe Mail

Armed robbers strike Lobel’s Bakery and get away with 500 loaves

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A routine shift for a bread delivery crew in Zimbabwe’s capital, Harare, turned awry after a gang of armed robbers pounced and escaped with 500 loaves.

The bread is valued at roughly RTGS$3 000.

According to information at hand, the crew from Lobel’s Bakery was making deliveries at Speciman Shopping Centre in Harare’s Glen Norah suburb on Tuesday.

An unmarked vehicle suddenly pulled up in front of their van.

Armed with pistols, the gang accosted the crew, which, in turn, tried to put up a fight but was overpowered.

Lobel’s Bakery spokesperson Heritage Mhende would not be drawn to comment, while Zimbabwe Republic Police national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said investigations were in progress.

Zimbabwe is experiencing bread shortages, leaving consumers at the mercy of illegal traders who charge exorbitant prices.