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Video: Kwekwe General Hospital doctors’ residence gutted by fire

Kwekwe General Hospital doctors’ residence gutted by fire
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A FIRE outbreak has destroyed a medical residence at Kwekwe General Hospital affecting the doctors and other medical staff who reportedly lost all property last night.

Kwekwe General Hospital is the main referral public medical facility for the Midlands city and nearby rural districs which include Zibagwe, Zhombe and Silobela.

Sources say at least three doctors have been left homelessbas well as half a dozen nurses, two physiotherapists, an Administrator and the deputy Deputy.

While the authorities have yet to issues a statement, medical sources at the facility confirmed that “nearly everything was destroyed in the residence. Nothing could be salvaged; we lost all our property.”

The cause of the fire was yet to be ascertained, with unconfirmed sources hinting at a possible electrical fault.

“Old buildings need maintenance and rewiring, not forgetting carelessness among some residents during the loadshedding who forget to disconnect an iron or electric jug and other appliances.

“If power is switched back on, a fire is imminent in such circumstances. Zesa must embark on public awareness campaigns on these or else property and even lives will be lost in these mishaps,” a local electrician told the Zimbabwe Voice.

The incident comes as last week a fire broke out at Mpilo Central Hospital in Bulawayo, destroying doctors’ residences and property. This was also not the first time in two years that a doctors’ residential flat at Bulawayo’s referral hospital had gone up in smoke.

In June 2019, property worth thousands of dollars was reduced to ashes after a doctor’s residence was gutted by fire at the health institution. It is suspected that the fire was caused by a heater which was left on. – Zimbabwe Voice □