gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Pharmacies can operate beyond business times set under lockdown – The Zimbabwe Mail

Pharmacies can operate beyond business times set under lockdown

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Pharmacies have been given the green light to operate beyond business times set under the current hard lockdown.
Covid-19 national task force deputy Amon Murwirwa said that pharmacies offer essential services and should operate normally.

Meanwhile, the Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe has moved to reduce the time it takes suppliers of medical oxygen to be considered for contracts to two days from 20 days previously. This is part of efforts to reduce the growing local coronavirus fatalities.

Medical oxygen is used in Covid-19 treatment to address breathlessness caused by a dip in oxygen levels.

According to medical statistics on the virus, around 15% of coronavirus cases could be treated with supportive care and oxygen therapy, while less than 5% would require ventilator support and critical care. It also comes as both government and medical experts are bracing for more coronavirus infections in the country.

The number of coronavirus cases has hit a new high with the latest figures from the Ministry of Health showing the country recorded 1 147 new cases yesterday and a record 47 deaths.

Private medical suppliers are selling oxygen concentrators for between USD$2,000 and USD $3,700 – a price which is beyond the reach of many in Zimbabwe.

The Health ministry invited tenders for the supply of oxygen to its medical facilities.

Source – dailynews