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Mnangagwa confirmed he was poisoned

Former Higher Education Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo and President Emmerson Mnangagwa
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HARARE – The Zimbabwe President designate, Emmerson Mnangagwa has pledged to be a servant of the people and called for all progressive Zimbabweans to unite in growing the economy.

Mnangagwa, who arrived in Harare today from South Africa, told thousands of Zimbabweans gathered at the ruling party’s headquarters to welcome him, that he is ready to lead the country into a new dispensation.

“I pledge myself to be your servant. I appeal to all progressive Zimbabweans to come together so that we grow our economy, we want peace, we want jobs jobs jobs, we need the cooperation of our neighbours in SADC, Africa and the world over. I am already receiving several calls from people and nations willing to help us grow our nation,” said the incoming President, who will be sworn in on Friday.

Mnangagwa thanked the people of Zimbabwe for expressing their desire for former president Robert Mugabe to step down and for their prayers when he survived poisoning on 12 August.

He said he decided to leave the country after receiving death threats two hours after he was fired as Vice President of the country.

“Within two hours after receiving a letter firing me from government, I received news that they wanted to eliminate me. That is why I had to leave and while away, you the people of Zimbabwe spoke. On 12 August, I was subjected to poisoning, I thank you for your prayers that I survived,” said Mnangagwa.

“Nhema dzakataugwa dzakawanda kuti topwanya zimsoro iro, zvino musoro wapwanywa ndewani?” asked Mnangagwa rhetorically in reference to the former First Lady, Dr Grace Mugabe’s remarks during the purported ‘Super Sunday’ rally with members of indigenous churches that it was time ‘to crush the head of the snake,’ the purported Lacoste faction in Zanu PF.”

Mnangagwa added that it was unfortunate that the G40 cabal had captured the executive in the form of ex-President Mugabe, but now that the people had spoken, it was time for the founding father of Zimbabwe to comply with his promise that he will step down whenever the people of Zimbabwe wish him to do so.

The President designate also thanked Zimbabweans for being peaceful, saying SADC leaders are all proud of the discipline and peacefulness of the people of Zimbabwe.

He also thanked the Zimbabwe Defence Forces (ZDF) led by General Constantino Chiwenga for managing this transitional process peacefully.

Mnangagwa also expressed gratitude to his colleagues in the Zanu PF Politburo and Central Committee as well as the Speaker of Parliament, Advocate Jacob Mudenda for the way they stood behind him and handled the process.