MDC Alliance Health Chief says she was treated Covid-19 by TB Joshua

Dr Ruth Labode
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A Zimbabwean Member of Parliament, Dr Ruth Labode, was among those who ‘received healing’ from COVID-19 during an online prayer session on TB Joshua’s Emmanuel TV on Sunday 16th August 2020.

Dr Labode, who is the chairperson of the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Health and MDC-T’s legislator for Matabeleland North Province, was among dozens who connected ‘virtually’ to receive prayer via video call.

Labode, who sat beside her husband who also explained he was COVID-19 positive, revealed she developed flu symptoms before resolving to go for a medical test.

“Currently the symptoms are a headache, sore throat, cough, body weakness, loss of sense of taste and appetite,” she described, brandishing her medical report confirming the diagnosis and a breathing device to aid her because of difficulty in breathing.

“As a policy maker, you have responsibility at a national level… When you cannot participate in the policy making, you are out of circulation. I am asking God to deliver me from COVID-19. I do not believe this COVID is unto death,” she explained.

Shortly afterwards, one of Joshua’s ministers came forward to offer prayer for Labode, alongside other COVID-19 patients from Colombia and South Africa.

Both Labode and her husband began to involuntarily ‘vomit’ as the prayer proceeded, falling to their knees in their home in Zimbabwe before being declared ‘free’.

“When I was being prayed for, I felt heat in me,” the Member of Parliament explained after the prayer, which was uploaded to Emmanuel TV’s YouTube channel with over 1.7 million subscribers.

“Right now, my sense of smell has returned. I am not coughing. I also vomited something out,” she testified, tasting and smelling an orange to verify the immediacy of the changes in her health.

“I am healed of this COVID and I want to thank TB Joshua for allowing himself to be used by God to cut the transmission of COVID,” the doctor turned politician concluded.

Labode’s Nigerian husband equally testified he was ‘healed’ from COVID-19 and removed the neck collar he used as a result of the pains.

Joshua’s popular ministry has claimed that ‘thousands worldwide’ have received healing from COVID-19 after receiving ‘interactive prayer’, with several testimonies uploaded to YouTube from those with medical reports ‘scientifically’ proving their recovery.

Recently, the World Health Organisation (WHO) reacted to the video of a Cameroonian medical doctor who stated he was healed of coronavirus after receiving prayers from Joshua.

In a press conference, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, the Director General, noted the importance of “spiritual leadership” and said faith and science should work together.

Ruth Labode is a graduate of Sofia Medical School in Bulgaria (MBChB) and also holds a Master’s Degree in Community Health (MCOMMH) from University of Liverpool UK.

She was the first female Provincial Medical Director in Zimbabwe, a position she held for five years and she is currently serving her second term as a Member of Parliament of Zimbabwe.