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British Opposition Criticise UK’s Immigration Law Banning Caregivers’ Dependents

Lord Jonathan Oates
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LONDON – Lord Jonny Oates, a prominent figure in the British Liberal Democrats, has condemned the United Kingdom’s recent policy barring caregivers’ dependents from relocating to the UK, labeling it as “immoral” and warning of its detrimental impact on the country’s healthcare system.

The controversy stems from the implementation of new visa rules by the UK Home Office in March 2024, which restrict overseas care workers, including a significant number from Zimbabwe, from bringing their dependent family members to the UK.

Home Secretary James Cleverly defended the move, citing the need to address what he termed as “disproportionate” dependency ratios, where 120,000 dependents accompanied 100,000 workers on the care visa route last year.

Cleverly emphasized the government’s commitment to curbing visa abuse and reducing unsustainable levels of legal migration.

However, Lord Oates, in a candid address, criticized the government’s stance, particularly its refusal to allow caregivers to bring their children with them. He questioned the rationale behind the policy shift, highlighting the emotional distress and practical challenges faced by caregivers separated from their families.

Lord Oates expressed concern over the potential decline in the quality of care workers willing to come to the UK as a result of these changes, citing the absence of an impact assessment accompanying the policy directive.

The democrat’s sentiments were echoed by organizations such as the Women’s Coalition of Zimbabwe and the Southern Africa Human Rights Defenders Network, which have been advocating for the rights of affected healthcare workers. Lord Oates warned of the dire consequences of separating caregivers from their families, including exploitation and destitution.

He urged authorities to reconsider the policy, emphasizing the moral implications of exploiting the contributions of care workers while implementing rules that separate them from their loved ones.

The debate surrounding the UK’s visa rules for caregivers highlights broader concerns about immigration policies and their impact on vulnerable populations.

As the government faces mounting criticism, the future of these regulations remains uncertain, with calls for a more compassionate approach to immigration and family reunification.