gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zimbabwean legislators across the political divide welcome SONA – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zimbabwean legislators across the political divide welcome SONA

Main opposition leader Thokozani Khupe arrives at Parliament.
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THE State of the Nation Address delivered by President Emmerson Mnangagwa during a joint sitting of the National Assembly and Senate has been warmly received by parliamentarians from across the political divide for clearly setting the path to achieve an upper middle-income economy by the year 2030.

The address by President Emerson Mnangagwa was pregnant with the message of how Zimbabwe has achieved economic stability in the Second Dispensation amid a myriad of past challenges inherited from the first Republic.

Legislators who followed proceedings virtually said the President was spot on in terms of the successful implementation of the economic reform agenda which has brought about development and economic stability.

“The price stability we have witnessed and currency reforms are some of the achievements the President clearly articulated in his address and we are impressed by this success story,” said Honourable Oscar Gorerino, Shamva North Legislator

“In a very short space of time many infrastructure development projects have been undertaken hence this address put into focus what Zimbabweans should expect once all Government programs have been rolled out,” said  Murehwa South legislator, Joel Biggie Matiza.

Turning to the legislative agenda for the third session of the ninth Parliament, Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly, Honourable Ziyambi Ziyambi underscored the need for urgent action in passing bills.

“The President has set up the agenda for the bills we are supposed to debate and pass bills and our goal is to ensure that this is done with speed so that we harness the law-making function of this arm of the state,” said Honourable Ziyambi Ziyambi, Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly.

“The SONA was very impressive and our position as a party was to listen to it so that we constructively debate the bills in the third session of the ninth assembly.”

With a rallying call by President Mnangagwa for all Zimbabweans to unite, the opposition concurred that national development will be in vain if we sow seeds of hatred and division.

“We are very supportive of the President’s directive to show oneness in the manner we conduct ourselves for the purpose of building our country,” said Honourable Elias Mudzuri.

MDC-T Acting Secretary General, Senator Douglas Mwonzora said now is the time to ensure that all the economic gains achieved so far achieved benefit all.

“We acknowledge the gains that have been made so far but let’s now build on them to ensure that our citizens can also benefit,” he said.

President Mnangagwa revealed that despite several headwinds such as the cyclone Idai, drought and the Covid 19 pandemic, Zimbabwe has recorded significant milestones in all spheres hence the five-year National Development Strategy which is replacing the Transitional Stabilization Programme will spur economic growth towards achieving Vision 2030. – ZBC