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Zanu-PF on the brink as members boycott DCC elections

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SOME Zanu-PF members yesterday boycotted voting in the party’s district coordinating committee elections after names of their preferred candidates were removed from ballot papers under controversial circumstances.

The voting commenced very late in most parts of the country because of delays in the delivery of voting materials.

There was drama in Marondera after party members from wards 10 and 11 in Marondera Central refused to cast their votes after realising their candidate Lawrence Katsiru’s name was missing on the ballot paper.

In Goromonzi some Zanu-PF members also failed to locate the name of their preferred candidate, Bornface Mutize, on the ballot papers.

Both Katsiru and Mutize were eyeing the chairmanship posts in their respective areas.

A survey in Marondera east and West constituencies showed that ballot papers arrived after 4pm when some of the voters had already gone home.

There was also chaos in Chiredzi after hundreds of voters were turned away as their names did not appear in the voters’ roll.

By midday most ballot papers were still being photocopied at various locations.

In Mashonaland West, polling had not started by 5pm yesterday afternoon, with rival camps at the party district office where ballot papers were being sorted, with names of some candidates missing.

Voting started late in most districts of Mashonaland Central as most areas took time to vote due to poor logistics.

Politburo member Josiah hungwe said voting would continue today in Muzarabani, Guruve and Mbire where heavy rains disrupted the voting process.

There was chaos in Bindura after some candidates distributed flyers to voters giving out a list of their favourite candidates.

Zanu-PF spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa was not picking calls yesterday.

Source – the standard