gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Rhumba star Mutodi should stay out of MDC issues – The Zimbabwe Mail

Rhumba star Mutodi should stay out of MDC issues

Energy Mutodi
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Information Deputy minister Energy Mutodi (no doubt the rhumba star, doesn’t hesitate to showcase his Ndombolo mentality every time he opens his mouth) has been vocal, telling the nation that MDC leader Nelson Chamisa is illegitimate following a High Court ruling nullifying his succession of Morgan Tsvangirai.

In an interview with NewsDay this week, he said: “Chamisa has been ruled illegitimate and we are saying he must step down. What we are saying is, the opposition may be there, but it has to stick to its democratic principles, it has to stick to the expectations of Zimbabweans so that it can contribute meaningfully to the success of Zimbabwe.

As it stands, the MDC has actually deviated from its democratic principles and we urge it to actually go back to the principles that were left behind by Morgan Tsvangirai.”

Suprisingly, Mutodi has decided to become the MDC think-tank, whose capacity is yet to be known. Zanu PF has suddenly granted itself powers to certify those it sees ideal to be opposition material.

In addition, Mutodi wants the MDC to stick to the democratic principles in memory of Tsvangirai whom they maimed, arrested and tortured on top of calling him derogatory names.

He would be well advised to tell his boss Mnangagwa, who was catapulted into power through guns and tanks, about the importance of constitutionalism before wading into the whys and wherefores of opposition politics.

But it also begs many questions when a ruling party directs operations of the opposition party.

Of course, it’s common with bootlickers like the NCA and MDC-T, among the merry band of opportunists masquerading as opposition parties participating in the Political Actors Dialogue.

By meddling in internal MDC affairs and sponsoring a smoke-and-mirrors charade of bogus political party dialogue, Zanu PF is betraying its shocking level of desperation. – ZimInd