gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF takes jibe at Chamisa, claims party politicizing food aid – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF takes jibe at Chamisa, claims party politicizing food aid

In this Thursday, March 8, 2018 photo, the leader of MDC-T, Zimbabwe's biggest opposition party, Nelson Chamisa gestures during an interview with the Associated Press in Harare. Ahead of Zimbabwe's crucial elections this year, the biggest opposition party has selected a charismatic lawyer and pastor to challenge the military-backed president in the first vote without former leader Robert Mugabe in decades. (AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)
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Zanu PF on Twitter took a swipe at MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa and addressed him as the Secretary for Policy and Research in a tweet that claims Chamisa ordered his people to overlook the status of food aid beneficiaries and demand MDC Alliance cards from people for them to access food aid.

Zanu PF using their official Twitter handle tweeted:

MDC Alliance Secretary for policy & research @nelsonchamisa is said to have ordered MDC MPs & notorious Councillors to overlook deserving beneficiaries of global aid, demanding MDC-cards for one to have their name enlisted as a beneficiary of donated basics. This Must Stop!

This trend has been observed in Highfields East & West, Harare East & Mabvuku. This is in direct violation of President’s Directive to stop patronizing relief aid. Meanwhile, ZANU PF MPs have been reminded to work with people in their constituencies regardless of political color.

It is still not clear if these allegations are true or it was just a jibe aimed at the youthful leader.

Meanwhile, in Gutu a councillor is actually politicizing food aid, publicly proclaiming that food aid is not going to end up in the hands of MDC supporters.

Source: Twitter