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Troubled Zanu-PF distributes food hampers in Manicaland

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MUTARE, – The embattled Zimbabwean ruling party Zanu-PF has handed over food hampers worth more than $150 000 mobilised by the Muduvuri Rehabilitation and Empowerment Foundation (MREF) to people with disabilities in Manicaland.

According to State media, MREF mobilised hampers for 300 people, while Global Brothers Wholesalers mobilised an additional 100 hampers for beneficiaries drawn from all districts in the province. Items in the hampers included mealie meal, sugar, cooking oil, bread, hand sanitisers and face masks.

The initiative is part of an ongoing exercise to cushion people with disabilities during the Covid-19 pandemic. Officiating at the handover ceremony in Mutare on Saturday, Zanu-PF national chairman Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri said the programme was in line with the party’s constitution and should be adopted to encourage continuity.

“Everyone should learn something from this initiative,” she said.

“When you rise above a situation you find yourself in, you should go back and help others in the same predicament to overcome. This programme will not always be giving food for free, we need to take it to the grassroots and offer those vulnerable people in need of assistance an opportunity to fend for themselves.” Muchinguri-Kashiri commended MREF for launching a training programme for people with disabilities, as well as a revolving fund meant to finance those who want to start income generating projects.

She urged those who will benefit not to take the loan as free money, but utilise it properly and pay back so that it continues to benefit others.

“The constitution compels Government to ensure that the rights of people with disabilities are protected,” said Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri.

“This event is just the beginning, Members of Parliament and councillors should take it up in their areas and make it a more sustainable programme.

“We should come up with ways of making this programme more sustainable for continuity.” MREF founder Mr Jimayi Muduvuri expressed gratitude to the ruling party for the assistance rendered to him when he was involved in an accident that incapacitated him for many years. He said this had pushed him to help people with disabilities.

“When I was injured, I got help from President Mnangagwa and Muchinguri-Kashiri,” he said.

“For me to be here today, it is because of the assistance I got from the party, so this is why I feel the need to do more for the people of Manicaland.

“We will continue to roll out this programme in all provinces and ensure that people with disabilities benefit from the revolving fund and training we will provide.”

Global Brothers Wholesalers director Mr Danmore Mambondiani said as youths, they felt compelled to join in the programme, which had a far reaching impact on vulnerable members of society.