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MDC MP arrested for distributing maize meal

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Reports coming from Manicaland indicate that the Mutasa South Member of Parliament Regai Tsunga was arrested on Tuesday by the police for donating maize meal in his constituency.

Nkulumane MP Kucaca Ivumile Phulu confirmed the arrest on his Twitter page saying, “It’s ridiculous that Regai Tsunga has been arrested at Mutare Central Police together with others for sourcing and donating mealie meal. Has been fined of $500 at a time when Govt shd be assisting him to do this. Upset.”

Last week another MP Jasmin Toffa had a brush with the law after trying to distribute maize meal at her constituency.

Zimbabweans are reportedly battling to contain the coronavirus pandemic at the same time find time to scrounge for food.

United Kingdom based Prophet Uebert Angel recently donated lots of maize meal to support Zimbabweans.

Source – Byo24