gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Gutu Shabeen king continues to defy Police – The Zimbabwe Mail

Gutu Shabeen king continues to defy Police

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Gutu – Manenji Jinga, a shabeen operator at Chikandamina Business Centre in Chief Munyaradzi’s area in Gutu continues to defy Police and Covid-19 regulations by selling beer at illegal outlets despite several arrests and court appearances.

Masvingo Police spokesperson Chief Inspector Charity Mazula said Jinga has become a problem in the area and he is due in court soon on some case.

She said that Police were closely monitoring Jinga who allegedly operates several illegal beer outlets and mushikashika which ply the Chinyika Business Center to Mpandawana route.

“Members of the public must immediately report him to the Police if the shabeens operations continue,” said Mazula.

Joseph Mugwamba, a prominent businessman in the area suspects that Jinga who recently got his impounded beer returned to him by a Gutu magistrate is operating with the blessings of some corrupt officers at Bhasera Police Station and senior officers at Gutu Rural District Council (RDC).

Mugwamba wrote a scathing letter to Gutu RDC Chief Executive Officer Alexander Mutembwa demanding to know why council is allowing Jinga to run beer outlets without the relevant licences. The letter was copied to the Police.

Mutembwa said he had not seen the letter when The Mirror contacted him for a comment. He however, said that he had filed a report against Jinga and it was now up to the Police to take action.

Jinga was not reachable when The Mirror called for a comment.

Mugwamba told the Mirror that Jinga openly runs his shabeen from a rundown grinding mill at Chikandamina Business Center. He opens the shabeen until late into the night despite the Covid-19 lockdown and social distance regulations.

“I am worried by the lawlessness that we see here. I am paying more than $11 000 in taxes to the State and council to run a bottle store and here is a man who comes here and just opens a shabeen 50 metres away. He does not pay any taxes; there are no toilets and his outlet opens until morning in complete violation of the law.

“Gutu RDC is very aware of this, Police at Bhasera know this but they allow it to happen. There is no doubt that Jinga is connected to these institutions but this is what is killing this country. Every businessman in this area was shocked recently when a Gutu magistrate returned Jinga’s beer that was impounded from the shabeen by the Police.

“I am not a lawyer but how can illegal goods be returned to the criminal?

“I have no doubt that Jinga has corrupt connections at Bhasera Police Station and at Gutu RDC who are protecting his illegal activities,” said Mugwamba.

Source: Masvingo Mirror