gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Kasukuwere ups the fight for Mazowe farm – The Zimbabwe Mail

Kasukuwere ups the fight for Mazowe farm

Savious Kasukuwere
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EXILED former minister Saviour Kasukuwere has filed an urgent chamber application with the High Court challenging Lands Minister Perrance Shiri’s decision to withdraw his offer letter for his Mazowe farm without giving him a chance to file a response.

Kasukuwere said he was shocked to learn that a withdrawal letter had been served at his Concorpia Farm in Mazowe at a time he was failing to submit his answering affidavit due to the ongoing Covid-19 lockdown.

The ex-legislator and businessman said he risked suffering irreparable harm if his farm was seized considering that there was a lot of production at the moment.

He also said it was unreasonable of government to take his productive farm leaving other farms which were lying idle around the country.

Kasukuwere said he was served with a notice to withdraw the offer letter by the minister on January 22 this year.

He was told the reason for withdrawal would be for downsizing for re-planning purposes.

Kasukuwere said if evicted he has nowhere to put all the farming implements.

He said he has running contracts in terms of which he must deliver seed and grain to various organisations.

The matter is yet to be heard.

Source – newzimbabwe