gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Police confirm arrest Chinese national of E-Creator kingpin over fraud – The Zimbabwe Mail

Police confirm arrest Chinese national of E-Creator kingpin over fraud

E-Creator founder and fraud suspect Zhao Jiaotong (Image: ZimLive)
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HARARE – Police say they have arrested the kingpin of the E-Creator Ponzi scheme on alleged fraud charges.

In a statement, police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi identified the suspect as 39-year-old Zhao Jiaotong, a Chinese national said to be the founder of the infamous platform that fleeced members of their thousands of dollars.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police confirms the arrest of Zhao Jiaotong, 39, in connection with a case of fraud in which unsuspecting members of the public were duped through E-Creator Ponzi scheme,” Nyathi said.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police is inviting members of the public who might have been duped through E-Creator to report at any nearest police station.

“We continue to implore members of the public to exercise due diligence before making any payments to Ponzi or pyramid schemes purportedly offering quick investment returns.”

Source: ZimLive