gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Obert Mpofu accused of stealing produce at Esidakeni farm – The Zimbabwe Mail

Obert Mpofu accused of stealing produce at Esidakeni farm

Obert Mpofu
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THE owners of Esidakeni farm in Matebeleland North have accused Zanu PF secretary for administration, Obert Mpofu, of stealing farm produce at the disputed property.

Mpofu allegedly stormed the farm and took a haul of tonnes of onions, butternuts and cabbages almost ready for the market.

“When Dr Obert Mpofu invaded our farm, Esidakeni and chased us out and installed armed guards, we had just started to harvest our 800 tonnes of onions, 200 tonnes of butternuts with 7 5000 cabbages almost ready to harvest. He took it all. Everything!,” claims Siphosami Malunga on his twitter handle.

Mpofu and prominent human rights lawyer Malunga, alongside two other business partners, are embroiled in a nasty ownership wrangle over Esidakeni.

Mpofu has refused to vacate the property despite two Supreme and High Court orders for him to do so.

Recently, the Bulawayo High Court ruled in favour of Malunga and his colleagues before ordering Mpofu and company off the property.

The High Court ruling also follows a similar ruling by the Supreme Court.

Despite the two court orders the farm’s owners still could not access the farm as Mpofu allegedly used his political clout to defy the court decrees.

Over a fortnight ago, the Deputy Sheriff also served the Zanu PF honcho with eviction papers.

The South Africa based human rights activist last week also accused the occupants of the farm of poisoning one of his partners’s dogs.

Efforts to get comment from Mpofu were fruitless.