His name has been associated with the Black Lives Matter protests in the United States of America and is infamous with several governments around the world. Soros through his Open Society Foundations invested $220 Million in emerging organizations and leaders building power in Black communities in the USA. He also set aside $1 billion USD towards what he terms the Open Society University Network.
Zimbabwe has its fair share of the George Soros drama as he is alleged to have been behind the failed 31 July protests. Opposition activist Linda Masirira alleged that the July 31 protests in Zimbabwe were funded by George Soros of the Open Society Initiative and the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
In a statement published by The Herald, Masarira said the US is funding the protests so that a National Transitional Authority (NTA) can be established in Zimbabwe.
Masarira said, “The impending 31 July revolt by citizens will play into the strategy of the US of instigating the fall of the Zanu PF Government, replace it with a “technocratic” neo-liberal National Transitional Authority (NTA). The NTA is a US imposed idea that will see the Americans pour millions of dollars into Zimbabwe for the resuscitation of the economy, provided the NTA reverses some nationalistic policies such as the land reform and liberalise the economy to allow their companies to freely loot Zimbabwe’s natural resources.”
George Soros has thrown his full weight and resources towards fighting the land reform program in Zimbabwe. The latest effort to fight the land reform program is playing out in Umguza Matebeleland North and the courts of Zimbabwe are being used as a tool to effect a landmark ruling which will set precedence in fighting land reform.
It is not a coincidence that Siphosami Malunga who is employed by George Soros is fighting against Government’s acquisition of Kershelmar Farms also known as Esidakeni Farm.
If Malunga and the George Soros war chest win the fight against Government’s acquisition of their farm this could provide a precedence which could be used to reverse Government’s acquisition of all farms.
Sipho and the George Soros war chest have gone out of their way to single out Obert Mpofu as a land invader while in the background they move to fight government’s acquisition of Esidakeni Farm. An audio was leaked by a disgruntled staffer in where Zeph Dlamini claims to have funds from Sipho Malunga to bribe the judiciary and buy favorable rulings. Zeph Dhlamini is allegedly on the ground recruiting young people to go and violently remove those who were given offer letters at Esidakeni Farm, some have claimed that they were approached to participate in a planned demonstration against the acquisition of Esidakeni Farm.
Sipho Malunga who is the Executive Director of the George Soros controlled Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa has funded several anti government media houses and propaganda campaigns and these are now in full force against Obert Mpofu who is now the face of the land reform program.
Obert Mpofu is being used as a scapegoat while George Soros fights the government. Obert Mpofu is a perfect target as the most senior politburo member in Mat North and most popular political figure from Matebeleland.
It comes as no surprise that Obert Mpofu is being tarnished in the media and matters which were acquitted by the courts are being resurrected 30 years later to suit a narrative.
Esidakeni Farm is not an ordinary farm fight, it is a fight against the land reform program and a fight against the aspirations of black people in Zimbabwe. Malunga has enough resources to bribe the judiciary, capture the media and even infiltrate ZANU PF.
The state needs to be vigilant, Zimbabwe needs to be vigilant and ZANU PF needs to be vigilant as the agents of regime change are viciously at work and throwing all their resources towards reversing land reform and ousting ZANU PF from power. The battle for Esidakeni Farm is a battle against Government acquisition of farm land under the land reform program.
Chrispen Khumalo
Matebeleland Agenda for Development and Empowerment (MADE)