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Mukanya’s heir apparent drops album

Kurai Makore
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National Unity Day is one of the most important days on the Zimbabwean calendar. This is the day, when the country’s two revolutionary parties Zanu and Zapu signed an agreement and morphed into Zanu PF.

Today Zimbabweans from different parts of the country, including celebrities, musicians and socialites celebrate the day.

This year’s celebrations are with a difference because of the global pandemic which has hit the industry.

Back then last year, we could be hearing of musicians hosting up shows as a way of appreciating what the political leadership has done to ensure that there is peace and togetherness in the country.

A survey conducted by The Herald Arts revealed that Covid-19 has not stopped the celebrations as some are doing virtual shows while others will conduct private functions.

Chimurenga music guru Dr Thomas Tafirenyika Mapfumo’s nephew Kurai Makore is launching his debut album today at Gecko Gardens in Glen Lorne, Harare.

The album, which has 10 tracks, has a special song composed by Dr Mapfumo — also known by his legion of fans the world over as Mukanya.

In the final analysis it is about a fusion of traditional music and international genres.

Makore’s manager Lucky Muzava confirmed the developments and said they decided to drop the album on Unity Day because it is a special day for Kurai as he starts his journey.

“Kurai’s father Dominic Makore and Dr Thomas Mapfumo are brothers. The album was influenced by the social atmosphere, hence both entertaining and educational. Some of the tracks to look forward include “Hwahwa”, which was composed by Dr Mapfumo, “Bonga”, “Africa”, “Hondo”, “Ndee” and “Nhamo Yekuzvipa”, among others,” he said.

Muzava said that the private function which will be held under Covid-19 guidelines and restrictions, will only allow 100 people.

“We have gone a step further in making sure that our music is available on major music online stores. Chimurenga music is here to stay and Kurai will surely keep his uncle’s legacy.

The album was recorded at KOM studios by renowned dendera guitarist Knowledge “Nodza Nodza.

On to the fashion and modelling, tonight all roads lead to Rainbow Towers for the crowning ceremony of Miss Intercontinental and Top Model respectively.

The pageant dubbed “Miss Intercontinental” will see the winners representing the country at the Miss Intercontinental and Top Model of the World in India and Egypt respectively in March next year.

The event is being hosted by former beauty queens Tendai Hunda and Hilda Mabu, under the theme, “Celebrating the perseverance and resilience of beauty in the midst of a global pandemic”.

Hunda said all was set for the event and was optimistic that the winners will bring the crowns home.

“We have confident with our girls and we are ready for the show,” she said.

Actor Richard Nyanguwo affectionately known as “Chief” said being a born-free was happy with the Unity Day and urged elders to educate and teach youngsters more about Zimbabwe’s history.

He challenged film and television producers to create content on Zimbabwe’s history so that the born-frees and upcoming actors can learn and know about the day.

“I grew up knowing that Unity Day is about love and peace.

“It is a holiday that should be respected and celebrated. Surprisingly, we do not have films or dramas that talk much about the day.

“We should preach the gospel of unity as this will promote the development of the country,” he said.

Chief said because of global pandemic, he was not travelling to his rural areas as he normally does, but will use the opportunity to write short stories which he wants to develop into short films.

“This Unity Day, I will spend it home, in fact, the whole holiday. I will not be travelling due Covid-19 lockdown,” he added.

Meanwhile the police together with the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) have said that public gathering are still prohibited and hosting of parties and musical shows is restricted.

Those having a private function should not exceed 100 and should observe the Covid-19 restrictions and regulations.

Some artistes have resorted to performing online. – Herald