gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Jah Prayzah delivers stellar performance – The Zimbabwe Mail

Jah Prayzah delivers stellar performance

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CONTEMPORARY musician Jah Prayzah proved that the Wagwizi trademark is a national treasure.

His show at Pagomba Cafe in Beitbridge on Saturday night was ace. It was a night of bliss that many in Beitbridge will take days talking about.

Jah Prayzah showed that there was a bloom for the country’s creative industry in smaller towns.

The turnout was huge. That could explain the four hour non-stop performance.

It was a rare stellar act from Jah Prayzah, a momentous one in his over two decades long career.

His fans in Beitbridge and other parts of Matabeleland South province had a reason to be happy that night. They sang along, luring the musician to elongate his act. He responded and appreciated.

When he was about to tire after two hours, there was a rhythmic call from the floor as fans shouted “Wagwizi, Wagwizi,Wagwizi”.

No musician could have resisted such love from fans. It was telepathic.

The power of music and the legend of Jah Prayzah was seen at the border town.

“Siyana naye Wagwizi” was the popular chant by 03:11am.

Jah Prayzah’s first song was Sungano past midnight. Five minutes later he took the mbira bowl and rocked the stage.

As he belted Furuwa, Furuwa, the crowd went wild.

Before the show, word on the street was the question, what if JP disappoints. The muso lived to the billing as he knew they were “doubtfuls” who thought his show was going to be a flop.

Kudos go to the tireless and the ever energetic Generation Band. The crew strummed the guitar, shot the saxophone and hit the drums like no one’s business. They were up to their game.

What Jah Prayzah did at Pagomba Cafe, will earn him stripes and respect from the lot that witnessed his act.

Entertainment guru and promoter Tapiwa “Gandz” was given his flowers for a tireless 2024 first quarter of promoting artistes in Zimbabwe.

He assured revellers in the border town that he will bring more of their favourite local artistes. —