gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); G40 behind Jah Prayzah graveyard murder attempt – The Zimbabwe Mail

G40 behind Jah Prayzah graveyard murder attempt

Former First Lady Grace Mugabe and her Chief political strategist and ally former Higher Education Minister Professor Jonathan Moyo
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THE assault of popular musician Jah Prayzah at a funeral in Harare’s Glen Forest Cemetery spilled into parliament Wednesday with Norton legislator Temba Mliswa accusing Harare South MP Shadreck Mashayamombe of masterminding the shock incident.

Jah Prayzah was forced to flee the funeral of his former bodyguard Crispen Nyemba after angry mourners started pelting him with objects, accusing him of a slew of offences.

Different explanations have emerged as to the motive of the attack with some saying mourners were angered by the entertainer’s alleged refusal to contribute anything towards his former aide’s funeral.

Family members said Nyemba’s colleagues were infuriated that Prayzah owed him three months’ wages and had remained mum over the issue.

Some sensational claims accused the Kutonga Kwaro hit-maker of causing Nyemba’s death through supernatural means.

However, others blamed the incident to Zanu PF factional infighting. They accused G40, a party camp opposed to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s takeover, as having masterminded the incident.

Jah Prayzah is thought to have waded into Zanu PF’s factional politics through Kutongwa Kwaro, a song some feel was the lanky celebrity’s way of exalting VP Mnangagwa. The song, although loaded with lyrical innuendos pointing to that, does not mention anybody by name.

But fierce arguments on how to settle MPs’ outstanding sitting allowances in parliament Wednesday saw Mliswa accuse Mashayamombe of involvement in the musician’s attack.

Mliswa had been infuriated by the Zanu PF Harare provincial commissar’s pleas to fellow MPs to abandon the debate on allowances and start concentrating on normal business of the house.

The Norton legislator accused Mashayamombe of not being as concerned about allowances owed to legislators by Treasury as he was already loaded with monies he stole from Harare home seekers.

“Sit down; you have enough money because you are a land baron.  You are a thief.  You are a land baron,” Mliswa charged at his former Zanu PF ally.

Mashayamombe’s indignant protests against the sudden attack saved to add fuel to Mliswa’s accusations as the former Zanu PF went on to accuse the Harare legislator of having a hand in Jah Prayzah’s assault.

“You are a land baron, you are a land baron,” said Mliswa.

“Go and get your money from those people that you sold stands to, we do not have money.

“I am not Jah Prayzah that you can cause to be assaulted. You are a thug and I am not a thug.  Did you not cause the assault of Jah Prayzah! We will get to the bottom of this – I am done with you.”

Mliswa continued; “Sit down. Go to your G40 where you steal money. You have destroyed the country and you have misled the leaders of this country.

“Get away; go and sit down. You are a land baron. I am done with you. The truth hurts. You now have a big stomach and where did you get the money from?”
