Wife vents anger at Mnangagwa as hubby (teacher) is suspended

Emmerson Mnangagwa
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Shurugwi – A Shurugwi woman, Maria Mapfumo (48) spent a night in detention after allegedly calling President Mnangagwa and Zanu PF supporters; murderers following the suspension of her husband Jefter Chida who is a geography teacher at Gamwa Secondary School.

Chida was suspended allegedly after Zanu PF chairman Bernard Dangi wrote a letter to the Ministry of Education offices accusing the former of joining the teachers’ strike and addressing CCC meetings at the school at night.

Mapfumo of Farm number 3 Gamwa Division, Shurugwi then went and confronted Dangi over the issue.

“Vanhu veZanu PF ndokuzivai kuti munouraya, iwe napresident wako Mnangagwa mogona kurangana kuuraya murume wangu. (Zanu PF members and your President Mnangagwa are notorious for killing. My fear is that you and your Mnangagwa can connive to kill my husband),” allegedly said Mapfumo to Dangi.

Mapfumo spent a night in the cells before she was granted RTGS $3 000 bail by Shurugwi Magistrate Sithabile Zungula last week.

Prosecutor Tafadzwa Guzete said on February 22, 2022 at 430pm at Farm 3 Gamwa the accused unlawfully and seriously impaired the dignity of Dangi who is of the same area and President Mnangagwa.

Hillary Garikai of Garikai Law Firm represented the accused. http://masvingomirrror.com