gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Theo Mukamuri features in Universities UK’s inspirational ‘100 Faces’ campaign – The Zimbabwe Mail

Theo Mukamuri features in Universities UK’s inspirational ‘100 Faces’ campaign

Theo Mukamuri
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Theo Mukamuri, alumnus of the School of Business and Law at Buckinghamshire New University (BNU), proudly features in Universities UK’s (UUK) ‘100 Faces’ campaign, celebrating the success of first-in-family university goers.

UUK’s campaign aims to amplify the voices of first-generation students by exploring their background and what they’re doing now. It includes students from around the UK and celebrates the life-changing impact higher education can have on individuals and families.

Theo Mukamuri screenshot from UUK campaign website

BNU’s entrant Theo, who is on his way to becoming a barrister, is an exemplar of why widening access is so important.

Theo was born in Harare, Zimbabwe, into a family our four children. Theo’s family endured financial struggle during his childhood and Theo recalls finding school difficult. He felt a draw to a career in law from a young age but recalls feeling discouraged from pursuing education. As a young adult, Theo embarked on extensive legal research in order to represent himself and gain settled status in the United Kingdom. Upon arrival in the UK, Theo worked for a number of years as a piano tuner, but his draw towards a career in law only grew stronger. In 2019, Theo finally decided to pursue his greatest ambition and applied to BNU.

He said: “Despite criticism from some people due to my age, responsibilities, and having four children to look after, I was determined to pursue my dreams.

“Studying law was daunting, and many people had shown ambition but failed. Being the first one in my family to attend university, I felt a lot of pressure on my shoulders. While I had no blueprint alternative, I saw this as an opportunity to lead by example for my siblings and children.”

During his time at BNU, Theo co-founded the Mooting society and fully immersed himself in the university experience. A ‘Class of 2022’ graduate, Theo completed his studies with a First in LLB (Hons) Law, acting as Valedictorian for his School.

Theo said: “My time at BNU was nothing short of incredible. It was a life-changing experience that transformed me into who I am today. After being out of school for over a decade, I was worried about what to expect, but from the moment I stepped onto campus I was welcomed with open arms.”

Since leaving BNU, Theo has been Called to The Bar of England and Wales by The Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn. Upon successful completion, Theo will see out his lifelong ambition of becoming a barrister.

“My journey has felt like a dream, and I credit the foundation I received at BNU and the extraordinary support from all aspects of the University,” he said.

Head of School for Business and Law, Sarah Williams, said: “We are very proud of Theo and thrilled for his success. We believe passionately in providing inclusive education and opportunities for all students no matter their starting point and Theo’s inspirational journey demonstrates not only his determination, dedication, and thirst for learning but also the support, encouragement, and care of the law team here at BNU.”

Source: Buckinghamshire New University