gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Television education lessons launched – The Zimbabwe Mail

Television education lessons launched

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THE Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has launched television education lessons which will be broadcast on ZBC TV as part of fulfilling government’s vision of education for all.

Eleven months after launching radio lessons on ZBC radio stations, the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education has added television schooling, a move applauded by the Minister of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa who was guest of honour at the launch.

“I am pleased to note that the lessons are now inclusive of sign language which has bridged the learning gap of students that require sign language lessons. The education lessons being broadcast on Zbc TV and radio are testament to Government’s commitment to leaving no child behind,” she said.

In a speech read on his behalf by his Deputy, Honourable Edgar Moyo, the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, Ambassador Cain Mathema reaffirmed government’s commitment of providing quality education.

“This is a milestone in our achievement to provide quality education as well as for continuity to our learners,” he said.

Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) Acting Chief Executive Officer, Ms Helliate Rushwaya said the national broadcaster is there to serve the nation.

“As a national broadcaster, our role is to avail our multiple platforms to support all activities that are in line with educating, informing and entertaining the nation. Education is a central drive pillar for transformational development in Zimbabwe and as part of our national mandate, the National Broadcaster feels honored and obliged to play its important role, to enhance the delivery of quality education, working with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education,” she said

The radio and television lessons are an initiative of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education in partnership with UNICEF and ZBC. –