gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); New Zimbabwe school term structure on cards – The Zimbabwe Mail

New Zimbabwe school term structure on cards

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Government is working on a new school term structure to guide the learning process when primary and secondary schools open next month.

The first group of learners starts classes on July 28.

The structure will factor in opening and closing dates, June examination classes, November examination dates, school fees structure and breaks during the term.

Primary and Secondary Education spokesperson, Mr Patrick Zumbo, said consultations were ongoing among relevant education stakeholders.

“We are working on a structure which will be ready in the next few weeks,” he said.

“The structure will show how learning will be done and if there will be a break.

“It is not an easy process, but we are working on it.

“More information will be released when we have completed the structure.”

The primary and secondary school year traditionally runs on three terms, each with three months.

Zimbabwe Schools Development Associations/Committees secretary-general Mr Everisto Jongwe said he was unaware of the new term structure.

He, however, said the association was consulting parents on the way forward.

“Currently discussions are underway in most schools about issues surrounding the opening of schools and school fees structure,” said Mr  Jongwe.

“On the school fees issue, it is a very tricky situation. There is a need for parents to understand that there are overviews that need to be paid even if learners are not at school.

“So, all parties should discuss this issue holistically and come to an agreement, which is the purpose of the meetings taking place in the various schools.”

However, teachers unions are opposing the opening of the schools arguing it is premature in the wake of the threat posed by Covid-19.

Last week teachers unions filed an urgent High Court application challenging the opening of schools for the June Ordinary and Advanced level examinations.

The examinations run from June 30 to July 23.