gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Kwekwe school collapses, 14 pupils injured, suspected gold panning underneath – The Zimbabwe Mail

Kwekwe school collapses, 14 pupils injured, suspected gold panning underneath

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KWEKWE – 14 pupils have been injured after a classroom block at Globe and Phoenix Primary School in Kwekwe collapsed this morning, because of suspected illegal mining activities underground.

Kwekwe District Development Coordinator, Mr Fortune Mpungu confirmed the development, saying all the injured have been taken to Kwekwe General Hospital for treatment.

Mr Mpungu said the incident happened at around 11am this Thursday, adding that there were 30 students in the classroom block and all of them managed to escape.

Gold panners have invaded three historical monuments, schools, business centres and even people’s homes in Kwekwe, leaving the properties facing possible collapse.

The illegal miners have been digging tunnels and pits.

Kwekwe town council has previously raised alarm bells.

The town clerk Lucia Mkandla confirmed the issue.

“These are poachers who are just trying to extract the minerals illegally. We have since notified the police and they are handling the matter. Therefore, I can’t comment further on the matter,”

Earlier this year, authorities at Globe and Phoenix Primary School raised alarm on the dangers posed by the same gold panners who were encroaching onto school premises..