Crowded house; teachers’ adultery case turns nasty

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CHIKOMBA – A teacher at Pimbi Secondary School who was allegedly involved in an adulterous relationship with a workmate’s husband is suing the wife for $10 000 for allegedly using vulgar language against her during the school assembly.
Pindai Mutukwa claims in her court papers that, Leona Mutungwizo called her a prostitute at the school assembly where there were school children and other teachers. Mutukwa said this amounted to defamation and hence the demand for damages.
Mutukwa is being represented by Tafara Nsingo of Nsingo and Associates and the plaintiff is being represented by Muringani, Mundikumba and Partners.
Mutukwa says in her statement that she was attending the school assembly which was being addressed by Archiford Munyavhi who was the teacher on duty and Mutungwizo pitched up and greeted the teacher on duty and Natasha Chigwada.
Mutungwizo allegedly called out to one of the teachers and asked her to greet the prostitute that was standing next to her.
“Please pass my greetings to that prostitute standing over there. (Ndimhoresereiwo vamuhure ava muti marara sei).
“Please kindly ask who she was with last night because I was with my husband and I was very warm. Maybe last night she found one of the builders to sleep with (ndanga ndakanganwa ndibvunzireiwo kuti madeko vakarara nani, ini nhasi ndarara nemurume wangu ndichidziyirwa chaizvo pamwe varara nemabhiridha)” allegedly said Mutungwizo.
She is said to have further pointed at Mutukwa and said “that prostitute” amid laughter from the pupils.
The two teachers are part of 10 teachers from Pimbi Primary and Secondary schools who are all staying in an overcrowded house. A few weeks back Mutukwa was allegedly found with Mutungwizo’s husband Paruvinga Chikoore, after the later allegedly sneaked into the plaintiff’s room and slept there.
Two weeks ago, Chivhu Magistrate Henry Sande gave the two female teachers reciprocal peace orders where they are both to maintain peace towards each other.
Mutungwizo denies liability and quantum of damages claimed and pray for dismissal of plaintiff claim with costs.
A pre-trial of the matter is set for this Friday (25 August 2017).