gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Zanu PF says it has reorganises for economic development – The Zimbabwe Mail

Zanu PF says it has reorganises for economic development

Zanu PF First Secretary and President Cde Mnangagwa delivers his closing remarks at the party's 20th National Annual People's Conference at the Zanu PF Midlands Convention Centre in Gweru yesterday. - Picture: Believe Nyakudjara
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AMENDMENTS to the ZANU PF constitution designed to reorganise the party’s departments, in line with the Second Republic’s focus on economic development, have re-energised and empowered it to address challenges facing the country, President Mnangagwa said.

In his introductory remarks in the party’s Central Committee report tabled at the just-ended 20th National People’s Conference, the ruling party’s First Secretary said the revised constitution has disaggregated the party’s departments to focus on economic growth and development.

Restructuring the departments is also envisaged to enhance ZANU PF’s mobilisation capacity.

“Furthermore, the revised party constitution has given more impetus and clarity in defining the functions and responsibilities of the party’s departments and the general structures of the party,” President Mnangagwa said in the report.

“Accordingly, the functioning of the departments and the party structures have now witnessed the establishment of clearly disaggregated economic departments, namely, the department of economic affairs, the department of economic development and empowerment, and the department of business development.

“Furthermore, the constitution establishes the functional standing committees of the Central Committee and their responsibilities, the Council of Elders and its constitutional role, the District Coordinating Committees and the diaspora districts.”

He also said the party will continue to be guided by the Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology in translating its socio-economic agenda into reality.

“To that end, party departments are now efficiently organised and refocused, in line with the thrust of the Second Republic with regard to the efficient service delivery that will sustain our national development agenda which leaves no one and no place behind,” noted the President.

“In that regard, it is the party’s desire that the Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology will continue to guide the party as it mobilises the electorate to respond positively to the hopes and aspirations of the Second Republic.

“It is, therefore, hoped that the theme of this 20th ZANU PF National People’s Conference will remain a guiding beacon in translating the socio-economic development agenda of Zimbabwe into a practical reality.”

Together in unity, he added, the party will soar to greater heights “in the development of our country despite the imposition of the heinous illegal sanctions that have been imposed upon our motherland, Zimbabwe”.

The report highlights the central role played by the party’s 93 affiliates in mobilising support ahead of the August 23-24 harmonised elections.

“Mobilisation was a key component in our approach in the August 2023 national harmonised general elections.

“The commissariat department adopted a scientific approach to mobilsation as part of our mass party membership diversity reconfiguration.

“The thrust was to have targeted mobilisation focus groups.

“The reintroduction of the District Coordinating Committees —  as per the Bindura 19th National People’s Conference resolution, that of our ethos of democratic decentralisation and mantra of ‘not leaving any place and no one behind’ —  is being realised.”

The report adds: “Affiliates have been instrumental in re-energising and expanding the scope of our party.

“During the period of August 2023 elections, we have recorded a groundswell of affiliates with the aim to harness other key societal groups in order to attain more than six million votes.

“These have adopted the ED vehicle as a mobilisation strategy.

“Further, the party had more than 93 affiliate groups which were instrumental in ensuring that the party maintains its popularity across the length and breadth of our great nation.”

The report also said the party’s National Disciplinary Committee will visit all provinces to sensitise the party leadership on the new constitution and code of conduct.

“These meetings will also deliberate on other challenges the party might be facing in relation to disciplinary matters,” the report reads in part.

“The scheduled meetings will be preceded by a workshop that will be jointly conducted by the national chairman’s office, legal affairs standing committee and Chitepo School of Ideology.”

According to the report, 16 party members were expelled after running as independent candidates during the recent elections. – Sunday Mail