gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Soldiers Or Lawyers Cannot Fix Zim’s Purely Economic Problems: Nkosana Moyo – The Zimbabwe Mail

Soldiers Or Lawyers Cannot Fix Zim’s Purely Economic Problems: Nkosana Moyo

Dr Nkosana Moyo
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Presidential candidate for the Alliance for the People’s Agenda (APA) Dr Nkosana Moyo has taken potshots at President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Nelson Chamisa saying they are not equipped to fix Zimbabwe’s economic problems. Speaking at the launch of his party’s manifesto, Moyo said,

We fought a war and we needed soldiers to fight in that war … and now we are fighting to build an economy, but what is happening is that we are going back to get those soldiers. If the power goes out in this building, you get an electrician.

Have you ever thought of how Zimbabweans managed to get a good education system? It was because former President Robert Mugabe was a teacher and he understood education.

…What puzzles me now is that we want to put lawyers to fix the economy. Do we want to make new laws? What we want is someone to fix the economy, but it is not for me to decide.

It is for Zimbabweans to decide…People think that when they get to Parliament, their job is to support the President. No, their job is to actually put the Executive to account, but we have corrupted the system.

More: NewsDay