gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Incompetent Mthuli has made useless Chinamasa look like a genius – – The Zimbabwe Mail

Incompetent Mthuli has made useless Chinamasa look like a genius –

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Former Finance Minister and MDC Vice President, advocate Tendai Biti, has described current Finance Minister, Professor Mthuli Ncube, as a great failure who had orchestrated policies that impinge on efforts by the administration of President Emmerson Mnangagwa to resuscitate the economy.

Speaking to Zim Morning Post, Biti said that Ncube was both very incompetent and dishonest. He added:

In his one year in office he has made bungling Chinamasa look like a genius.

Biti, however, reverberated his party’s usual claim that ZANU PF was responsible for the sorry state of affairs in which the country is.

He added that Ncube did not have what it takes to succeed as a Finance Minister under the ruling ZANU PF which he described as a beast.

He said that ZANU PF would never allow any meaningful reform to take place, a weakness that has seen the revolutionary party losing touch with the electorate.

Biti’s remarks come when the country is sunk in socio-economic crises, with no indication as to when the situation will get better.

The country has a huge deficit in electricity, medicines, water, food, fuel, $4 billion deficit and many other essentials. Meanwhile, the finance minister is claiming that the country, as a result of austerity measures, has achieved a surplus.

Ncube replaced Patrick Chinamasa who was also described as incompetent and unprofessional. During his tenure, he would be forced by then-president, Robert Mugabe, to reverse certain policies that would have social costs to the ruling party, no matter how good they were to the economy.

More: Zim Morning Post.