gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Tesla aims to build 500,000 vehicles per year near Berlin – The Zimbabwe Mail

Tesla aims to build 500,000 vehicles per year near Berlin

In this Oct. 20, 2019, photo an unsold 2019 Model X sits under a sign at a Tesla dealership in Littleton, Colo. Tesla says its global deliveries rose more than 50% last year meaning the company surpassed the low end of its sales goals for 2019. The electric car maker said Friday, Jan. 3, 2020, that it delivered a record of about 112,000 vehicles in the fourth quarter and about 367,500 for the full year. Tesla previously announced that it expected to deliver 360,000 to 400,000 units worldwide last year. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski, File)
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BERLIN (AP) — Tesla plans to build half a million electric vehicles a year at its future factory outside Berlin.

Planning documents posted online Friday reveal that the U.S. automaker wants to construct Model 3 and Model Y vehicles at the site in Gruenheide, as well as “future models.”.

The so-called Gigafactory — Tesla’s fourth — will include facilities to assemble entire electric vehicles, including the production of batteries.

The plans will have to undergo an environmental impact review and public consultation.

Tesla aims to start operating the plant in July 2021, an optimistic time frame by German standards. Construction of a nearby airport for Berlin began in 2006 and the opening has been delayed for eight years.