gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Ex-MDC mayor gets Mercedes-Benz as golden handshake – The Zimbabwe Mail

Ex-MDC mayor gets Mercedes-Benz as golden handshake

Mercedes-Benz C200
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The Municipality of Marondera is set to give former mayor Anthony Makwindi a Mercedes-Benz C200 or equivalent as part of his golden handshake.

This was revealed in a full council meeting held at council chambers on Monday, where councillors urged the management to speed up the process and give the former Zanu PF councillor the vehicle or money equivalent to it.

The Mercedes-Benz was a bone of contention in 2013 after the then newly-elected Zanu PF councillors blocked the outgoing MDC mayor Farai Nyandoro from leaving with the vehicle despite approval by the Local Government ministry.

Upon his exit in 2013, Nyandoro was reportedly offered a commercial stand as the newly-appointed mayor, Makwindi, took over the vehicle.

On Monday, all councillors resolved that Makwindi, who also lost in the Zanu PF primaries last year, be given the vehicle.

Responding to the resolution, chamber secretary Runesu Nyamuzihwa said he would invite Makwindi and deliberate on the issue.

“I will invite the former mayor and discuss the way forward. Currently, the management is seized with the matter as to whether we give the former mayor the vehicle or a golden handshake in the form of money. But the vehicle is currently being used by the current mayor (Chengetai Murowa) and there is need to consider a replacement or any alternative means,” he said.

The 2008 Mercedes-Benz was bought in 2011 at a cost of US$13 000.

The disposal of the vehicle means the cash-strapped council will soon fork out more money to secure a vehicle for Murowa.

Recently, Marondera Municipality was involved in a botched car deal after a Harare company duped them thousands of dollars by delivering four second-hand trucks that were re-painted and disguised as new.

The council is reportedly yet to recover the money.