OK Zimbabwe Limited through its brands, OK stores, Bon Marche and OK Mart is spreading the Christmas cheer with a declaration of madly low prices across the group stores. They have landed an exciting and happy campaign which they are dubbing “Christmas Is Here!”
Taking a quick look at the campaign one would be delighted to know and notice that they have gone out of their way to bring smiles to the homes of every Zimbabwean who shops at their outlets this Christmas. It is a festive season that is beginning on September 17 –December 31, 2022. Now let us have a tour of what we are expecting in their stores:
Firstly they have taken their time to make groceries and other merchandise so affordable and accessible for everyone in their 52 OK Stores. When you go to the stores be ready to shop as much as you can because the pricing is rock bottom, it is almost like giving away. This is driven by the spirit of sharing, love and smiles which pretty much dove tails with their purpose of making happiness tangible by planting smiles on the employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and the communities they operate in. Their offerings and solutions are unmatched across the board with combos that reward you the most, hampers that feed families and general goods that will just make you happier. To top it off they are rewarding every parent who shops goods worth ZWL 10,000 or more with a “toy” for their child. OK Zimbabwe believes that every child deserves a Christmas box…..what a toyful Christmas!!!! The Fridays and Saturdays are also going to be super fun with Santa on the Saturdays particularly. There will be surprise gifts and so much more.
Secondly in all Bon Marche stores there will also be crazy crazy deals for every shopper. The experience will be unmatched. Customers will get instant rewards at the till point, relevant to their shopping basket. They have the best of meat and wines to make your festive holidays more meaningful. The brand promises to have every other need for you to make it the most “happiness filled Christmas” It is a brand for the community and those who believe in the best for their families, we really can’t wait to share in the goodness and happiness.
Thirdly, they believe that Zimbabweans love to be in OK Marts and they love the happiness that comes with taking shopping trips with their children and loved ones there. It is with pleasure that when you buy bulk during this season, you save so much more. Every Saturday will be a Santa Saturday filled with so much rewards. We are additionally in a season of the greatest football tournament and customers will be served with free access to fan parks that allow them to watch their favorite games on big screen. There is so much more to anticipate and share in the cheer this Christmas
Surely with all this, one cannot be ordinarily left out in this massive season of happiness, fun, festivities and incredibly low prices brought by OK Zimbabwe. Make your way there until the December 31 2022. – Masvingo Mirror