gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Mnangagwa to wow business tycoons in UK – The Zimbabwe Mail

Mnangagwa to wow business tycoons in UK

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pose for a photo as the COP26 summit kicks off in Glasgow, Scotland.
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PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa will this week host potential business investors in Glasgow, Scotland in a bid to unlock foreign direct investment (FDI) for Zimbabwe.

An invitation sent out to delegates by the event organisers confirms the event will be hosted Wednesday.

Zimbabwe’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Christian Katsande also confirmed Mnangagwa will be hosting the investors.

“On the occasion of hosting Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, and on behalf of Retired Colonel Christian Katsande, we are delighted to invite you to attend the Zimbabwe Presidential Investment Conference in Glasgow on the morning of the 3rd November,” the invitation letter reads in part.

“The event will start from 9 am until 1:30 pm, followed by a seated plated three-course lunch and networking. The venue is within 15 – 20 minutes of central Glasgow and full details will be provided on your confirmation.”

Delegates were urged to submit early confirmation and to share a WhatsApp number for ongoing updates.

Investors have shunned doing business in Zimbabwe for years due to an unstable local currency, exchange rates, and failure to implement necessary economic reforms.

Mnangagwa is currently in the United Kingdom for the COP26 conference and is expected to also meet Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Source – newzimbabwe