gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Makamba targets Supa Mandiwanzira over Telecel – The Zimbabwe Mail

Makamba targets Supa Mandiwanzira over Telecel

James Makamba
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After failing to get a controlling stake in Telecel Zimbabwe, businessman Mr James Makamba is plotting a smear campaign against ICT and Cyber Security Minister Supa Mandiwanzira.

Mr Makamba claims ownership of Empowerment Corporation, which holds 40 percent of the company. Government is the majority shareholder.

Mr Makamba’s claims over Empowerment Corporation are subject to court proceedings. A leaked audio recording contains aspects of the anti-Mandiwanzira campaign, which seeks to rope in several politicians and journalists.

In the recording, Mr Makamba expresses bitterness with President Emmerson Mnangagwa for allegedly failing to assist him regain control of Zimbabwe’s third largest telecoms company.

He unsuccessfully tries to recruit Mr Acie Lumumba to assist in the smear campaign.

In the two-hour audio, Mr Makamba disparages Vice-President Dr Constantino Chiwenga and his wife, Mrs Mary Chiwenga; as well as Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe chair Mr Ozias Bvute.

“These guys need an expose but in a smart way, ok?,” Mr Makamba says in the recording. “Because there is the General on the other side nepfuti dzake, and his wife.”

A named close associate of Mr Makamba suggests launching a disinformation campaign, adding: “Nyoka inorohwa musoro wayo and musoro wenyoka iyi ndiSupa (Target a snake’s head to kill it, and the head of this snake is Supa).”

Mr Makamba claims to have several Parliamentarians on his payroll; and accuses VP Chiwenga of being close to self-exiled former Zanu-PF Commissar Mr Saviour Kasukuwere.

He then names several seasoned journalists who he says could help in undermining Minister Mandiwanzira.

Mr Makamba could not be reached for comment last night, while Minister Mandiwanzira was said to be occupied by his constituency work in Nyanga South and could not comment.  – Sunday News