gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Ginimbi was constructing car fuel-fill tank at his mansion – The Zimbabwe Mail

Ginimbi was constructing car fuel-fill tank at his mansion

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The late Genius ‘Ginimbi’ Kadungure had constructed a fuel filling station at his homestead.

The almost finished fuel station was part of Ginimbi’s plans to turn his mansion into a hotel.

Ginimbi’s body is expected to be laid to rest few meters away from the filling station. Family members and friends are praying Ginimbi’s plans do not die with him.

One of the late Ginimbi’s workers prayed for the family to sit down and agree to give life to the socialite’s vast formal and informal businesses believed to have created employment for a number of youth.

“Mdara zvemazita edu kwete asi munamato wedu ndewekuti hama dza Ginimbi, legend wedu dzisarega mabhizinisi ake achifa nekuti iye angaararamisa vakawanda nekuvapa mabasa,” said one of the workers.

“It is my prayer and I want to believe it has been answered considering positive results we are witnessing from series of meetings that started on the tragic day,” said the worker.

A number of youth employed by Ginimbi are expected to lose jobs by the sudden death of the socialite and businessman.

Opening of gates to mourners was relaxed by yesterday afternoon with many enjoying lunch and dinner at the mansion where each and every flower or item you see is of much value.

Kadungure family was hesitant to allow everyone enter the mansion with reports of theft cases recorded in Domboshava. H Metro