gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); Ex-Zanu-PF youth leader elbowed out of Mazowe mine – The Zimbabwe Mail

Ex-Zanu-PF youth leader elbowed out of Mazowe mine

Lewis Matutu
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HARARE – Gavin, the son of the late business tycoon, John Bredenkamp, is elbowing out former Zanu-PF youth leader Lewis Matutu, who leads a mining consortium from gold claims in Thetford Estate in Mazowe.

Although Matutu’s mining consortium, Nyamatsanga Mining holds a special mining grant, which is set to expire next year, Bredenkamp is blocking the consortium from mining in the farm.

The consortium was granted mining rights at the heart of Bredenkamp’s 1 500ha Thetford Estate in February 2020 while Gavin (Bredenkamp) was allocated the farm in 2020 following the death of his father.

Business Times can report that Nyamatsanga through its lawyers, Vengai Madzima of Madzima, Chidyausiku, and Musera Legal has since written a letter to Gavin’s lawyers Mlotshwa Maguwudze Legal Practitioners demanding access to the mining concession in question.

“We are advised that your client has consistently rejected efforts by our client to exercise its mining rights, despite the several notices we have written to you requesting peaceful access,” read part of the letter.

“Further, in your client’s efforts to deny our client its legal rights, we are also advised that your client has fenced off all access to our client’s mining area and employed security guards who have time and again, illegally denied our client access.”

Added the lawyers: “It is our client’s view that this is a brazen attempt by your client to create a stand-off with the intention of having the matter degenerate into a fiasco. Our client will not be reduced or forced to act in an illegal manner to enjoy his rights.”

Thetford farm is also subject to contestation after John’s widow, Jennifer recently filed an urgent chamber application at the High Court to stop her son Gavin from possessing the family’s farm.

The case was filed under Case Number HC 132/21. Jennifer and five other applicants are being represented by Atherstone and Cook while Gavin Bredenkamp is represented by Titan Law. – Business Times