THE much-awaited book by the former cabinet minister, Jonathan Moyo, Excelgate: How Zimbabwe’s 2018 Presidential Election Was Stolen, will be available at the end of this month after it was registered with Amazon despite spirited attempts by National Archives of Zimbabwe and Zanu PF to block its release.
The book failed to launch in Harare at SAPES Trust last month after suspected ruling party youths disrupted the event.
At the launch, rowdy youths wearing MDC T-shirts and brandishing sjamboks, forced diplomats accredited to Zimbabwe and other guests to scurry for cover.
The National Archives of Zimbabwe also blocked the book’s release after issuing a fake ISBN number to Amazon for it to be registered and sold.
The National Archives of Zimbabwe is a government department responsible for the collection, storage, regulation, management and publication of written and documented information. It is under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
“The delay in availability of the book was due to complications with the ISBN number, which was issued by the National Archives,” Ibbo Mandaza, the publisher of the book told NewZimbabwe.com.
“It is believed that the ISBN number issued was fake and as a result the book could not be registered on Amazon. A new ISBN number has been obtained and production of the book has resumed. Stock of the book will be available on Amazon from the 30th of January 2020. Once this was uncovered only a limited number of books were printed for the (abortive) launch,” he said.
Mandaza also dismissed as fake, an ‘Excelgate PDF’ that has been circulating on social media.
“There is a fake 65-page PDF document that is circulating on social media purporting to be a copy of Excelgate, which contains falsified and misleading information,” he said.
“The 65-page PDF document is a watered-down version of the 260-page book, with critical information stripped out, and it’s an attempt by Pro-government agents to thwart the contents of the book.”
Excelgate: How Zimbabwe’s 2018 Presidential Election Was Stolen, details the role the Zimbabwean Defence Forces (ZDF) and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) played in a bid to rig the presidential election results in favour of Zanu PF’s Emmerson Mnangagwa against MDC candidate, Nelson Chamisa. – Newzim