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Son (21) makes advances on biological mother

Sikhangezile Mlotshwa and Samuel Mlotshwa
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A devastated woman shared shocking details of her 21-year-old son’s sexual fantasies and odd feelings claiming he was supposedly “sexually attracted” to her as evidenced by his “lustful” compliments on her appearance.

Sikhangezile Mlotshwa from Bulawayo’s Nketa 9 suburb revealed that she was “confused” about her son Samuel Mlotshwa’s feelings towards her as he was always complimenting her appearance while calling her “yellow-bone”.

So nasty is the two’s relationship as a result of the “creepy” compliments that the distressed mother didn’t want to stay with her son fearing that he might sexually abuse her.

Sikhangezile, who apparently loves her son and wants their relationship to be nothing more than a mother-son bond, last week approached the Bulawayo Civil Court seeking protection against his (Samuel)’s inappropriate behaviour.

“I don’t want him in the house as he is always drunk. He always admires me saying I am a “yellow bone” and I fear that he might rape me. It is a taboo in our culture that a son is sexually attracted to his mother,” bitterly complained Sikhangezile.

She said she was living in fear of her son’s behaviour which she described as “completely inappropriate” adding that Samuel had over the years exhibited violent behaviour towards her.

“On 23 October he came to my house where he was welcomed by his younger brothers aged 16 and 18. When I later arrived, he told me that he was not going anywhere while declaring that he was going to forcibly stay with me.

“He started insulting me with unprintable words saying I hate him because he was dark in complexion. He even threatened to beat me up. As a result of his violent behaviour I don’t want him to come to my house as he is also into drugs,” declared Sikhangezile.

To corroborate her claims, she produced a letter which was once served to her son as a last warning when he was still at school. The letter indicated that Samuel was abusing drugs and bringing dangerous weapons to school.

In response, Samuel blamed his uncouth behaviour on his family’s church. 

“We used to go to a church called End Time Messages and at that church we were restricted from watching television and I was always confined in the house with nothing to do and I think that caused me to be unruly.

“She is my biological mother but she has been harsh to me. I have never abused her as she has claimed. Whenever we had a misunderstanding, I would be telling her the truth that she hates me. 

“I once moved out to stay on my now but now life is difficult for me that’s why I decided to come back home. I had nowhere to go since my mother was always restraining me from visiting our relatives,” responded Samuel.

Responding to his mother’s suggestion that he can go and stay with his father, Samuel said: “I can’t go and stay with him because currently he is in Botswana”.

In his ruling the presiding magistrate Lesigo Ngwenya ordered Samuel to vacate his mother’s place and not to verbally and physically abuse her. – B-Metro