gtag('config', 'UA-12595121-1'); School closed after satanism scare – The Zimbabwe Mail

School closed after satanism scare

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A suspected case of Satanism rocked Bangale Primary School in Jotsholo, Matabeleland North Province, when mysterious objects comprising razor blades, sweets, and millet and  torn United State dollar notes amounting to $20 were found dumped in two classrooms.

Following the strange discovery two weeks ago, Bangale Primary School, which has an enrolment of about 300 pupils has since suspended lessons.

When a B-Metro news crew visited the school on Tuesday last week, the premises were virtually empty.

Petros Luphahla

Petros Luphahla

In separate interviews parents expressed worry over the closure of the school.

“I have three children who attend that school; one is doing Grade Seven while the other two are doing grades one and three. They have not been attending lessons for the past two weeks and I’m worried how will the one doing Grade Seven perform in the forthcoming examinations,” said Elfas Moyo.

The news crew noticed about 15 grades five and six female pupils gathered under a tree outside the school premises writing an exercise.

Fransisca Ndebele said the decision to teach female pupils under a tree was triggered by a strange incident where Grade Seven female pupils felt dizzy after stepping on the “cursed” school premises.

“On the day of the strange discovery 20 Grade Seven female pupils felt dizzy and collapsed within the school premises.  They were rushed to a nearby clinic where they were treated and discharged. Since then all of the Grade Seven female pupils have not set foot in their classrooms,” said Ndebele.

A School Development Committee chairperson Petros Luphahla lamented the dire situation saying their children were troubled.

“After the strange discovery of sweets, razor blades, and millet, torn US$5 dollar notes inside and outside two classes, we engaged Chief Mabhikwa on how to cleanse the school,” he said.

Luphahla said they hired a witchhunter to conduct the cleansing on Wednesday.

“We wanted the tsikamutanda (witch-hunter) to conduct the cleansing on Monday but he requested to come on Wednesday. We are hopeful the situation will be solved,” said Luphahla.

Luphahla said the sweets, razor blades, millet and torn US$5 dollar notes were kept by village head Isiah Ndlovu.

Luphahla revealed that most of the schools were affected by the mystic beings suspected to be goblins.

“Just near us Tiki and Engadlwana primary schools were affected by the goblins that were sleeping with female teachers resulting in them deserting the schools,” he said.

Chief Mabhikwa confirmed the incident saying the community came up with a decision to hire a witchhunter to cleanse the school.

“After consultations with the community I agreed to their proposal for the school to be cleansed. They have proposed to conduct the cleansing this week,”said Chief Mabhikwa.

Matabeleland North education director Jabulani Mpofu confirmed the incident: “I can confirm that Bangale Primary has been closed for the past two weeks but the community has hired a  witchhunter to conduct cleansing at the school.” – B-Metro