Joice Mujuru Makes U-Turn, Joins MDC-Alliance

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Former Vice President and leader of National People’s Party, Joice Mujuru has mad a comical u-turn after she said she has decided to join the MDC Alliance with immediate effect in an effort to stage a grand coalition that will upsurge the ruling party, ZanuPF, in the forthcoming elections.

Mujuru was addressing thousands of people from all walks of life who thronged the late Morgan Tsvangirai’s homestead in Humanikwa, Buhera,to bid a final farewell to the opposition veteran who died on Wednesday aged 65 at a hospital in South Africa where he had been undergoing treatment for colon cancer and was one of Africa’s most admired politicians.

Looking emotional, Mujuru who heads the People’s Rainbow Coalition and had earlier gone against the alliance describing the pact as the “devil from hell” said she has realized the purpose of joining the MDC-Alliance as the battle was to win against the ZanuPF government.

“Today (yesterday) i say this day reminds me of that day in Gweru when we showed the whole country that unity is the biggest thing. When i last talked to Tsvangirai, we were putting finer details to the Memorandum Of Understanding with regards to the alliance.

“We are now saying , may all Zimbabwe’s opposition parties come together as it is in line with the people,’s will. We should work together and fight against poverty because it has become unbearable, it is too painful.

“We acknowledge the war that you fought Mr Tsvangirai and i have accepted that we should work together to fulfill your dream. So as opposition parties, we say rest in peace and we will honor our pledge.

Before Tsvangirai’s death, Mujuru had vowed to never join the amalgamation of parties saying the name carried the title of an individual, indicating that there was no shared vision.

During her recent meeting in Bulawayo with her PRC allies, Mujuru dismissed reports that the workshop for opposition parties held recently in South Africa had agreed on forming a single coalition of parties.

“In South Africa, the workshop was just on training us about how best to operate in an environment of a coalition so that we do not have votes that are wasted due to disagreements and acrimonious relationship. That was all we were trained about. There was never any agreement about us uniting with MDC-T or their alliance,” she said.

Mujuru also boldly declared that her coalition will win the coming polls and form the next government.

“We will win the next elections because we have the support. We will not seek to join hands with anyone, we have the capability on our own,” she said.

Meanwhile, MDC-T Acting President , Nelson Chamisa has welcomed Mujuru to the alliance saying it will boost the opposition’s chances of winning the forthcoming elections. -263Chat